Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mixology and 2012 Cointreau Mixology Series

Cointreau Bottle
Cointreau Bottle
Mixology is becoming a big word in the world of spirits and consumers. Cocktails and cocktail making is the old way of thinking. Kind of like talking about cooking  versus cuisine. Mixology is very much about caring about the ingredients. That is the focus is on the selection and sourcing of the ingredients. The creativity of what you are making is also very important. Mixology is artistic while cocktail making is much more technical. And Bartending? Well it is about running a bar!
However, the technique is primary and the recipe is secondary.
Mixology has a great deal in common with making cognac in the sense that cognac makers care very much for the balance and the consistency of the beverage.
This year Cointreau is organizing Cointreau Mixology Series, these are exclusive cocktail-making lessons with some of the top mixologists in the USA, such as New York and Los Angeles. See here for LA for instance.
Each class includes an education on two signature Cointreau cocktails — the original margarita and a classic sour cocktail with a modern twist — plus a postlesson reception to enjoy your cocktails with a spread of appetizers. Guests will leave with gift bags full of Cointreau goodies to practice bartending at home.
• One-hour mixology lesson, including two signature Cointreau cocktails.
• One-hour postlesson reception with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
• Cointreau gift bag.
• All the knowledge necessary to mix cocktails at home.
In the United Kingdom Cointreau is even more adventurous by offering private mixology lessons in the comfort of your home. Amazing isn't it!
"A professional Cointreau mixologist will arrive armed with everything needed for a pop-up cocktail-making master class including sumptuous orange liqueur Cointreau, additional ingredients and cocktail shakers. Leading with a lesson on how to shake the perfect Cointreaupolitan, the in-house mixologist will teach you all about the history of cocktails and how to make the perfect aperitif for a night in. You’ll learn how to make delicious and contemporary cocktails with orange liqueur Cointreau at their heart including the Cointreau St Clements, the Cointreau Cobbler and the Cointreau Margarita. At the end of the masterclass, exclusive limited edition gift bags will be distributed containing all you need to recreate the exquisite cocktails again and again." here .
Sources: Photos

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