Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Thriller Novel “L’indice di Raffaello” (“The Raffaello Index”) by Ralph Colemann and Cognac Grand Breuil

Cognac Paradis Cognac Grand Breuil XO
Cognac Paradis Cognac Grand Breuil XO
Alberto from Italy, has just made us aware that a new thriller novel came out which is mentioning his favorite cognac: Cognac Grand Breuil.
"I am Alberto, a great appreciator of the Cognac Grand Breuil and  a passionate of thriller novel too.
I just want to inform you that Cognac Grand Breuil is mentioned as  as the best cognac to give to someone special on special occasions,  (chapter 31 page 117) in a newly released novel thriller titled:  “L’indice di Raffaello” (“The Raffaello Index”) published in Italy by Herald Editore, author Ralph Colemann.
You can view the book by visiting the following site of the Italian Publisher:
Moreover, in my opinion, in addition to be an interesting novel like the others of the same literary genres, “L’indice di Raffaello” (“The Raffaello Index”) hides incredible and worrying revelations between its lines."

Ralph Colemann “The Raffaello Index”

Cognac Paradis Raffaello Index Ralph Coleman
Cognac Paradis Raffaello Index Ralph Coleman
In the mysterious plot of a thriller that straddles the centuries lies the most daring, incredible and shocking unmasking of History.
Just a painting... Two murders in a department of the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome. The victims are an American citizen, poisoned, and an Italian doctor rushed from the fourth floor of the hospital.
Right away, the police commissioner of the homicide squad, Sandro Varcàro, realizes that will face a knotty and hot matter.
Fredrik Hildenberg, professor of archaeological methodology of the University of Melbourne, headed for a major conference in Vienna, makes a stop in Rome and stays at the same hotel of the American victim.
Just a painting... A small picture buried in time and by now passed into legend.
Werner Valerio Venante, Director of the Institute of Medieval Art History at the University of Florence, instructs the researcher Helena Moroni to go to Austria to recover it. It shows a detail of the “School of Athens” fresco by Raphael in the Vatican, which depicts Plato pointing his right index finger toward the sky.
What the chilling truth? Heaven or hell? Perhaps there is no difference.
Just a painting... The Raffaello Index ... To discover who really are the great men of the past... To enter the dark folds of the future.
January, 2011
Ralph Colemann

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