Friday, October 16, 2015


Yesterday, Whistle Pig Whiskey announced that their company was able to start harvesting crop for their distillation turning around the company into a so-called 'Single Estate Spirit' company, sort of like the wine is known to be.

This is a paradigm change in the spirits industry. Normally, the spirits are using glamorous brand names, an amazing story, a marketing budget, several celebrity endorsers in case one fails, they always do, a big corporation with lawyers and committee members, some large distributors with well paid employees dreaming of Fridays, and glossy magazine ads and billboards.

The craft spirits trend had made it difficult for the big corporations because it meant doing things slowly and small for the benefit of a more authentic product. They had gone around this with crafty paper and small batch numbers on the bottle labels. This was not enough so they started creating incubators where they could nurture and grow these small craft spirit companies under their roof and control what was going on.

Now, with 'Single Estate Spirits'!  A real nightmare for most large companies as they will need to get into this soon!
Whistle Pig Whiskey 13 YO
Whistle Pig Whiskey 13 YO

Whistle Pig Whiskey is one of the most iconic craft spirits brand in America and perhaps in the world. If this is what they do that means it is happening in the USA, but perhaps the US is not leading this one.

See in the UK how The Guardian reports the growth of Single Estate Spirit's companies with Chase and Arbikie leading the path.

La super super nouvelle tendance pour les 5 ans a venir dans le 'craft spirits' c'est le 'Single Estate Spirit'!

Hier Whistle Pig a annonce le lancement de son entreprise en format 'Single Estate Spirit'. Je viens de voir ca aujourd'hui.

Whistle Pig fondee en 2007 par Raj Peter Bhakta est considère comme l'icône des craft spirits aux USA, et peu être dans le monde.

Raj Peter Bhakta annonce a tout le monde que le Single Estate Spirit est la meilleure façon de se développer.

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